KKCG Real Estate Group, .a.s.
Seat: Evropská 866/71, Vokovice
160 00 Praha 6
premium living in Prague - Kosire location
with magnificent views on Prague
premium family houses and villas - Prague 6 - Dejvice surrounded by the beautiful nature of Tichá Šárka, close to the villa district of Hanspaulka
24 000 sqm of modern office and retail space,
Evropska av., Prague 6
50 houses in top location
Prague 6 - Sarka Valley
KKCG Real Estate Group is a member of the KKCG Investment Group. It was founded in 2012 for the purpose of ensuring effective management of the Group's real estate projects. Its main activities are residential and commercial development and facility management. The company also monitors real estate trends and markets, seeks out good investment opportunities and provides advice for the parent company KKCG GROUP AG. KKCG Real Estate Group's vision is to create permanent values combined with a genius loci with innovative architecture in line with sustainable development principles.
Aside from top´rezidence in Sarka Valley and Pomezi, KKCG Real Estate Group is also building the BOŘISLAVKA business and office centre, located just under 5 minutes away from top´rezidence. For more information about the Bořislavka project, please see the presentation at www.borislavka.cz.
The KKCG Group is an international investment company with a total value of more than €9bn. The KKCG Group develops its business activities in thirty-eight countries around the world and its key fields include the entertainment industry, the energy industry, IT technologies, and real estate. It holds shares in many domestic and international companies, including Allwyn, ARICOMA Group, MND Group, KKCG Real Estate, Springtide Ventures and others. KKCG also invests in the American fund Jazz Venture Partners (based in Silicon Valley). This fund focuses on investments in technologies for improving human performance, for instance, through neuroscience. Employs more than 9 thousand persons.
member of KKCG Group
Seat: Evropská 866/71, Vokovice
160 00 Praha 6
File number: B 18164
filed with the Municipal Court in Prague
ID: 24291633, VAT number: CZ 24291633
The company is a member of the group whose management is the KKCG AG, reg. č. CHE 326 367 231, se sídlem Kapellgasse 21, 6004 Luzern, Švýcarsko
KKCG RE is a proud sponsor of the international classical music festival